"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.
We've done so much for so long with so little, we're now qualified to do anything with nothing"
... Anonymous
Name the Movie :
"You are all condemned men ..... We keep you alive to serve this ship .... so row well, and live."
Leather Artist since 67', Shot-Hole-Driller, Pretentious Ass & Creative Genius, Agnostic Faith Healer, Cowboy, Lumberjack, Traveler,Lifesaver,Historian, Student of Human Folly & the Natural Sciences,Dancer,Story Teller, Costumer, Designer, Art Director, Manager, Screen Printer, Sign Maker, Plumber, Cabinet Maker/ Finish Carpenter, Star Scout, Teacher, Trucker, Inventor, & Web Artist
I picked out my music, one of the great songs of the 20th Century ............. It's by these guys, it's called "LET THE DAY BEGIN" .....
The words :
Here's to the babies in a brand new world Here's to the beauty of the stars Here's to the travellers on the open road Here's to the dreamers in the bars Here's to the teachers in the crowded rooms Here's to the workers in the fields Here's to the preachers of the sacred words Here's to the drivers at the wheel Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Now let the day begin
Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Now let the day begin, let the day begin Here's to the winners of the human race Here's to the losers in the game Here's to the soldiers of the bitter war Here's to the wall that bears their names Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Now let the day begin Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Let the day begin, let the day begin, let the day start Here's to the doctors and their healing work Here's to the loved ones in their care Here's to the strangers on the streets tonight Here's to the lonely everywhere Here's to the wisdom from the mouths of babes Here's to the lions in the cage Here's to the struggles of the silent war Here's to the closing of the age. Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Now let the day begin Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Let the day begin Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Let the day begin Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above Now let the day begin, let the day begin, let the day start
[Drilling Seismic Lines out of Coalville, Utah spring 1979]
I'm the guy in the red barrett. That's "Dirty Larry" from Round-Up, Montana in the goofy truckers hat with the antennas on it. B. J. Walker from Jackson, Mississippi is that fat "Cracker" on the left. The living Greek Statue on the right is "Troy Grinn" out of Ogden, Utah. Troy was the best drill-helper we ever saw, that kid was smart. worked like monk, and always was smiling.
Behind Troy is a : Mission #3115 Down-Hole Rock Hammer ..... see it leaning up against that gravel basket behind Troy ? That piece of steel weighs 120 lbs. It would cut ANY piece of rock in the Rocky Mts. of Utah when it was screwed on to the front of this :
We "Slammed Steel" in some real National Geographic country ...... Walking through the woods, and there in a clearing at 8,500 ft. was this thing at 7a.m. waiting for you .
So I'm on a "Hog-Back" south of Nephi, Utah that spring and we walk up to the drill. And this helper of mine had the weed. His job was to : A. Build a fire B. Roll a joint
While I walked over to the rig and got it warmed-up. Which, on that morning was gonna take 20 min. On our west, was the whole valley just south of the Nephi, maybe 20 miles. Today it's part of I-15 into Salt Lake. We could see the traffic way down below, ... all "Ant-Like".
And at that moment, I began yelling at the drivers 7 miles away ... down in that valley. Telling them that we were up here looking for their gas-o-line, and to put the " Petal to the Metal ". I went on for 5 min. about Iran, and gas prices, and America .... Poor little David my helper was beginning to wonder how he was gonna get a crazy man off the mountain.
I looked right in his eye, and I told that kid to remember every moment of that morning, because in both our whole lives we would never be more live than we were on that spring morning in central Utah.
I was right ..... I was never more alive than that morning in Utah, 28 springs ago.
Think about it, here I am 28 years ago. looking for gas-o-line in Utah, and here we are today fightin' for the biggest pool in the world of the stuff .
We are fighting a war to preserve the 20TH Century, and we're already 7 years into the 21ST
I couldnt get the link to work Bob... I really enjoyed the blog about 21st/20th century...can we have more of that stuff? I find it really interesting - (btw -you know the astrologers would find the 28 year reference interesting...that being the Saturn return ..which means if you are around 56/57 now...it is a BIG year for you).
I want that music...love the lyrics. I think I will use it for my workshop.. Robyne
Great lyrics, I don't remember the music but the lyrics seem familiar.
Nice hat!
Posted by
Berni |
1/10/2007 09:44:00 PM
I couldnt get the link to work Bob...
I really enjoyed the blog about 21st/20th century...can we have more of that stuff? I find it really interesting - (btw -you know the astrologers would find the 28 year reference interesting...that being the Saturn return ..which means if you are around 56/57 now...it is a BIG year for you).
I want that music...love the lyrics. I think I will use it for my workshop..
Posted by
Robin - Erithacus rubecula |
1/11/2007 04:52:00 AM
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